woman‎Sera Straus‏‎ [I2582]‎ PRIVACY FILTER

Married to:

manHarry Nabarro‏‎ [I2564], age by marriage 29 years, son of Aron David Nabarro and Henriette (Heintje) Stoodel‏.
Born ‎17 Nov 1921 (16 Cheshvan 5682) Walthamstow, London, England, died ‎2004 Amsterdam, Holland‎, age 82 or 83 years
manRobert Nabarro‏‎ [I2583] PRIVACY FILTER

womanIlana Nabarro‏‎ [I2584] PRIVACY FILTER

woman‎Hadassa Nabarro‏‎ [I2585]‎ PRIVACY FILTER

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Sera Straus & Harry Nabarro." HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages (https://beck.org.il/humogen/birthday_images/include/glightbox/css/images/family/47/F869?main_person=I2582 : accessed 27 December 2024) Sera Straus #I2582

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