![]() Born 1 Jan 1882 (10 Tevet 5642), died 13 Jul 1967 (5 Tamuz 5727), age 85 years
Hebrew name was Leah Picture on file.
Married 14 Jun 1905 (11 Sivan 5665) Amsterdam, Holland, age 23 years (married 55 years) to: ![]() Born 23 Mar 1882 (3 Nisan 5642) Amsterdam, Holland, died 6 May 1961 (20 Iyar 5721) Manchester, Lancashire, England, age 79 years Hebrew name was Yitzchak. When he passed away he was living on Bignor Street in Cheetham, England. Pictures on file.
![]() Born 7 Jul 1906 (14 Tamuz 5666) Amsterdam, Holland, age 118 years Hebrew name is Yehudit. Pictures on file. 2.
![]() Born 6 Jul 1908 (7 Tamuz 5668) Amsterdam, Holland, died 25 Nov 1971 (7 Kislev 5732) Columbia, Missouri, USA, age 63 years, buried 26 Nov 1971 (8 Kislev 5732) Columbia, Missouri, USA Rabbi Pimontel graduated from the Amsterdam Jewish Seminary and then emigrated to England where he earned his bachelor and master of arts degrees inOrientalStudiesfromthe University of Manchester. Before World War II, he was the Rabbi of th e Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue in Manchester,England. Forsix yearsduringthe war, he was a chaplain in the British 8th Army, seeing battlefield service in North Africa, Italy and Austria. AsChaplain hewould say Kaddish(theJewish Mourner s Prayer) at the burial site of any Jewish soldier who died during combat. He would take a pictureand send itto the family ofthe fallensoldier so that they would know that someone had said this prayer over the grave of their loved one. Immediately afterthe war, he aidedin relief operationsfor Jewish refugees in displaced persons camps. After World War II he and his family moved to Montreal,Canadawhere he becamethe Rabbi of the Spanishand Portuguese Synagogue of Montreal from 194 6 to 1948. For seven years, from 1948 to 1955 RabbiPimontelwas the Directorof the Hillel at Queen'sUniversity in Kingston, Ontario. While there he was instrumental in rejuvenating the Jewish Dayschool.Throughthe Hillel heconducted seminar s in philosophy,history and religion. The courses carried no credits and were conducted in his office inan informalfashion. From1955 until his death in 1971 he wasthe head of the Hillel Foundation of the University of Missouri. Being the onl y Rabbiin the CentralMissouri area,he served the Jewish families ofMoberly and Jefferson City as we as in Columbia, Missouri. He also made regular visitsto area prisonsand served aschaplain to the Jewish prisoners.He was instrumental in th e campaign throughout the state for a new Hillel Foundationbuilding on theUniversity campus.The new building was completedin 1970. He was a past president of the Columbia B'nai B'rith Lodge and a memberof the Campus MinistersAssociation.Rab bi Pimontel was a leader ofcivil rights marches and anti poverty campaigns. He led a group of Columbiansto Selma, Alabama in 1965to participatein memorial services for the slaincivil rights leader Reverend James Reed and joined in the demonst rations.Soon after, he was namedpresident ofCentral Missouri Counties Human DevelopmentCorporation, a regional branch of the Office of Economic Opportunitiesand for three yearswas the dominantfigure in local anti poverty campaigns. Hedie d in his home November 25, 1971 (approximately 7:15 PM) at 1701University Avenue,after a short illnessat the age of 63. |
Family events
Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Lea Duque & Isaac Pimontel" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages (https://beck.org.il/humogen/yohassin.files/styles/pics/images/include/glightbox/js/css/family/47/F304?main_person=I897 : accessed 23 February 2025) Lea Duque #I897, born 1 Jan 1882 (10 Tevet 5642)
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