man‎Manfred Boas‏‎ [I144]‎, son of Herman Boas and Klara Goldschmidt‏.
Born ‎27 Feb 1915 (13 Adar 5675) Berlin, Germany, died ‎15 Jan 1998 (17 Tevet 5758) Sydney, Australia‎, age 82 years

Married ‎1949 Sydney, Australia, age 33 or 34 years (married 48 or 49 years) to:

womanLore Daltrop‏‎ [I145], age by marriage 28 or 29 years, daughter of Walter Daltrop and Mathilde Oppenheim‏.
Born ‎21 Jul 1920 (6 Av 5680) Gustrow, Germany, died ‎7 Jun 2016 (1 Sivan 5776) Montefiore Home, Hunters Hill, Sydney, Australia‎, age 95 years

manHarold Boas‏‎ [I146] PRIVACY FILTER

womanSusan Boas‏‎ [I215] PRIVACY FILTER

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Manfred Boas & Lore Daltrop" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages ( : accessed 13 March 2025) Manfred Boas #I144, born ‎27 Feb 1915 (13 Adar 5675) Berlin, Germany

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