woman‎Madeline Ruth Spero‏‎ [I3482]‎, daughter of Solomon Spero and Catherine Staal‏.
Born ‎11 Nov 1913 (11 Cheshvan 5674) Wakefield, MA, USA, died ‎7 Feb 2011 (3 Adar I 5771) Boston, Massachusetts, USA‎, age 97 years
Madeline Ruth Spero, daughter of Catherine Staal Spero and Sol Spero, was born in 1913 in Wakefield MA. On 16, 1936 Madeline was married to AbrahamRuthfield.Theyresided at 3 Cedar Place in Wakefield, MA where she continues to reside as of this writing (2002).
Madeline is the Mother of two son and two grandsons.

Married ‎17 Jun 1936 (27 Sivan 5696), age 22 years (married 50 years) to:

manAbraham (Avrum) Ruthfield‏‎ [I3483], age by marriage 31 years
Born ‎22 Jan 1905 (16 Shevat 5665) Zaslav, Ukraine, died ‎12 Nov 1986 (10 Cheshvan 5747) Wakefield, MA, USA‎, age 81 years, buried ‎14 Nov 1986 (12 Cheshvan 5747) Knights Of Zaslav Cemetary Everett, MA USA
Abraham (Avrum) Ruthfield and his immediate family immigrated to the US in 1920 from Zaslav in the Ukraine. He was accompanied by his mother Freidel,hisfatherSchlema,his brothers Idel (Edward), Mendel (Max) and a sister Rifka (Rebecca) known as Betty. They settle in the Dorchester section ofBoston. Alsocomingwith them was his great uncle Hyman Ruthfield. ( Note: In Zaslav, the family name was Rudfeld. when pronounced with the Russianintonation,thenamesounded more like Rutfield, and thus became Anglicized to Ruthfield in the US.)
Abraham started a ladies clothing and apparel business in Boston which he maintained more than 50 years. Abraham was a Mason a member of the EverettC.BentonLodgeof Masons for more than 50 years and a member of the Shriners. In addition, Abraham was the founder of Temple Emmanuel of WakefieldMA,a lifelongsupporter and benefactor of the Temple.
Abraham, in 1936 married Madeline Staal Spero and resided at 3 Cedar Place in Wakefield, MA. with their two sons Richard and Barry. Madeline Ruthfieldcontinuesasofthis writing to reside at 3 Cedar Place , Wakefield. Abraham died on 12 November 1986 after a long illness. He is buried in theKnights ofZaslavCemetery- Ruthfield
man‎Richard Ruthfield‏‎ [I3485]‎ PRIVACY FILTER

manBarry Ruthfield‏‎ [I3486] PRIVACY FILTER

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Madeline Ruth Spero & Abraham (Avrum) Ruthfield" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages (https://beck.org.il/humogen/yohassin.files/pics/images/styles/include/popup_menu/css/family/47/F1183?main_person=I3482 : accessed 13 March 2025) Madeline Ruth Spero #I3482, born ‎11 Nov 1913 (11 Cheshvan 5674) Wakefield, MA, USA

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