woman‎Sara Israel‏‎ [I1064]‎
Died ‎1745
The Reference is in the book "Trouwen In Mokum-Jewish Marriage in Amsterdam 1598-1811". Authors Dave Verdooner & Harmen Snel.

Married/ Related to:

manIsaac Monis‏‎ [I1063]
Born ‎1688 Livorno, Italy, died ‎1735‎, age 46 or 47 years
birth date from ancestry.com
manSalomon 'Isaac' Monis‏‎ [I955]
Born ‎1714 Livorno, Italy, died ‎23 Feb 1780 (17 Adar I 5540) Amsterdam, Holland‎, age 65 or 66 years, buried Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands
According to data from Lew Hambro, the birth year is 1714, rather than 1713 and the wedding date 12 May, rather than 31 May.

manAbraham 'Isaac' Monis‏‎ [I8419]
Born ‎1709 Livorno, Italy

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Sara Israel & Isaac Monis" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages (https://beck.org.il/humogen/yohassin.files/pics/images/assets/bootstrap/js/css/family/47/F364?main_person=I1064 : accessed 23 February 2025) Sara Israel #I1064

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