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![]() Found in "Studia Rosenthaliana" DS 135 N4S7 Volume 12 page 173 American Jewish Archives volume XLIV Spring/Summer, 1992 Number 1 Page 105 2.
![]() He was a Rabbi in Constantinople. {Found in "Studia Rosenthaliana" DS 135 N4S7 Volume 12, page 173}. 3.
![]() Born 1595, died 1615, age 19 or 20 years, buried Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands Manuel Pimentel (alias Isaac Abeniacar) arrived from Venice in 1613. He was a Jewish nobleman and courtier, a brother to Garcia Pimentel, who was aMarrano.Manuelhadwon a legendary reputation in the French court for his skill at card game s by which he is reported to have amassed an enormousfortune.It wasto himthat Henry IV, King of France, is to have said "I am the King of France, but you are the king of gamblers". Manuel Pimentelwas the wealthiestmemberofthe Amsterdam Sep hardic community from the time of his arrival from Venice, until his death two years later. Like hisbrother Garcia, hemade somelargedonations to the Jewish community and the Neveh Shalom synagogue. He was instrumental in the purchase of the new Ouderkerk cemeteryin 1614 for2,700guilders and he was the first Sephardi to be buried there. In gratitude for his help, the community passeda resolution to recitea specialprayerin his memory every sabbath. He reportedly left an estate worth over 250,000 guilders. ("Sephardic Immigration Into The Dutch Republic, 1595-1672" Jonathan Israel) ("Spain and the Jews" Elie Kedourie, 1992). Mentioned in "Studia Rosenthaliana"DS135N4S7Volume 12, page 173. 4.
![]() Died 1607, buried Groet, Netherlands Found in "Studia Rosenthaliana" DS 135 N4S7 Volume 12, July 1978, page 173. He was also known as Mordechai Abeniacar. {"History of the Jews of theNetherlandsAntilles"(page992)} it would seem that he was also known as Sebastian. He was a shippi ng merchant who is named in numerous deeds inStudia Rosenthaliana.ThefirstJew buried in the first jewish cemetery in the Netherlands, Groet near Almaar in 1602 and inaugurated after the newsites official 1616 opening.Butby1626 the remain s of 74 Groet burials had been transferred to Ouderkerk, in actual use since 1614 and the oldestEuropean Jewish cemetery stillinuse.May also have been know as Sebastion Pimentel. A substantial Sephardic merchant who settled in Amsterdam before the arrival of the first group which came directly fromPortugalwasGarciaPimentel (Mordechai Abeniacar), who arrived probably from Venice in 1596 an d who traded with Lisbon, North Africa and Levant.He wouldhavebeen familiarwith formal Judaism of Venice and Levant where he had lived for some time. The Pimentels were an extremely prominent SephardicfamilyinVenice and Constantinoplewher e one of Garcias brothers was a Rabbi and probably played a major role in the early judaization of the MarranoimmigrantsinAmsterdam. SephardicImmigration Into The Dutch Republic, 1595-1672, Jonathan Israel) |
Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Pimentel " HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages (https://beck.org.il/humogen/yohassin.files/languages/en/include/popup_menu/styles/css/family/47/F10000?main_person=I3108 : accessed 13 March 2025) Pimentel #I3108
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