man‎Eliazer 'Levie' Voorzanger‏‎ [I264]‎, son of Levie Benjamin Voorzanger and Beletje Benjamins‏.
Born ‎1757 Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎13 Nov 1838 (25 Cheshvan 5599) Amsterdam, Holland‎, age 80 or 81 years, buried Muiderberg, Holland
Chief Cantor of the Community

Married ‎21 Jul 1785 (14 Av 5545) Amsterdam, Holland, age 27 or 28 years (married 53 years) to:

womanJudith 'Hartog' "Judith=Gitsche Hartog=Hirsch Van Praag = Preger" Van Praag (Preger)‏‎ [I265], age by marriage 25 or 26 years, daughter of Hartog 'Emanuel' "Harotg=Zwi-Hirsch Emmanuel=Menachem-Mendele Van " Van Praag (Preger) and Sara 'Asser Levie' Assuurs‏.
Born ‎1759 Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎19 Nov 1839 (12 Kislev 5600) Amsterdam, Holland‎, age 79 or 80 years
manBenjamin 'Eliazer' Voorzanger‏‎ [I262]
Born ‎20 Feb 1787 (2 Adar 5547) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎11 Apr 1844 (22 Nisan 5604) Amsterdam, Holland‎, age 57 years

woman‎Therezia 'Eliazer' Voorzanger‏‎ [I438]‎
Born ‎1790 Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎8 Jan 1827 (9 Tevet 5587) Amsterdam, Holland‎, age 36 or 37 years

man‎Andries 'Eliazer' Voorzanger‏‎ [I439]‎
Born ‎14 Dec 1791 (18 Kislev 5552) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎25 Jun 1811 (3 Tamuz 5571) Amsterdam, Holland‎, age 19 years

woman‎Pauline 'Eliazer' Voorzanger‏‎ [I440]‎
Born ‎1798 Amsterdam, Holland

woman‎Roosje 'Eliazer' Voorzanger‏‎ [I441]‎
Born ‎1798 Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎6 Nov 1826 (6 Cheshvan 5587) Amsterdam, Holland‎, age 27 or 28 years

man‎Jonas 'Eliazer' Voorzanger‏‎ [I442]‎
Born ‎1799 Amsterdam, Holland

man‎Samaya (Simon) 'Eliazer' Voorzanger‏‎ [I443]‎
Born ‎1801 Amsterdam, Holland

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Family events