man‎Louis (Laurence) Staal‏‎ [I3316]‎, son of Leendert Levie (Eleazen) Staal and Jane Lazerus‏.
Born ‎1871, died London, Middlesex, England

Married ‎2 Nov 1898 (17 Cheshvan 5659) London, Middlesex, England, age 26 or 27 years (married 56 or 57 years) to:

womanJulia Stein‏‎ [I5342], age by marriage 24 or 25 years, daughter of Nathan Stein and Sarah‏.
Born ‎1873 Mile End Road, Poplar, London E1, UK, died ‎1955 London, Middlesex, England‎, age 81 or 82 years, buried Marlow Road Cemetery, East Ham, London, England
manMichael Staal‏‎ [I3318]
Born ‎15 Nov 1912 (5 Kislev 5673), died ‎Feb 1986 London, Middlesex, England‎, age 73 years

woman‎Jane Staal‏‎ [I8446]‎
Born ‎1899

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Louis (Laurence) Staal & Julia Stein" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages ( : accessed 20 February 2025) Louis (Laurence) Staal #I3316, born ‎1871

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