womanstar ‎Marianne Gosschalk‏‎ [I5776]‎, daughter of Louis Gosschalk and Sara Snatager‏.
Born ‎8 Oct 1907 (30 Tishrei 5668) Deventer, Holland, died ‎16 Jul 1943 (13 Tamuz 5703) Sobibor, Poland‎, age 35 years, cause of death: murdered. Occupation: Shop clerk

Married ‎14 Oct 1936 (28 Tishrei 5697) Deventer, Holland, age 29 years Joodse Huw.datum:-28 Tisjrie 5697
Huw.inzegening om 1 uur 's middags in
de Foyer van de Schouwburg, Gr.Kerkhof te Deventer.
Receptie van half twee tot 5.
(married 6 years) to:

manstar Simon Van Spiegel‏‎ [I5774], age by marriage 25 years, son of Meijer Van Spiegel and Esperence Louise Rubens‏.
Born ‎26 Dec 1910 (25 Kislev 5671) Deventer, Holland, died ‎16 Jul 1943 (13 Tamuz 5703) Sobibor, Poland‎, age 32 years, cause of death: murdered
Education BOEKHOUDING M.O. Uit NIW:-
DEVENTER-Onze plaatsgenoot de heer S.van SPIEGEL Mzn., is te
's Hage geslaagd voor het examen boekhouden M.O.
womanstar ‎Esperence Louise Van Spiegel‏‎ [I5782]‎
Born ‎10 Feb 1940 (1 Adar 5700) Deventer, Holland Hebr.geb.datum:-Rosh chodesh Adar A 5700, died ‎16 Jul 1943 (13 Tamuz 5703) Sobibor, Poland‎, age 3 years, cause of death: murdered

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Marianne Gosschalk & Simon Van Spiegel" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages (https://beck.org.il/humogen/yohassin.files/include/popup_menu/styles/pics/css/family/47/F2055?main_person=I5776 : accessed 17 February 2025) Marianne Gosschalk #I5776, born ‎8 Oct 1907 (30 Tishrei 5668) Deventer, Holland

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