woman‎Frances Louise Spero‏‎ [I3465]‎, daughter of Solomon Spero and Catherine Staal‏.
Born ‎21 May 1910 (12 Iyar 5670) Wakefield, MA, USA, died ‎28 Nov 1998 (9 Kislev 5759) Quincy, MA, USA‎, age 88 years, buried ‎30 Nov 1998 (11 Kislev 5759) Sharon, MA, USA
Frances Louise Spero, daughter of Sol and Catherine (Staal) Spero was born 21 May 1910 to Maurice Zack ths son of Abraham and Annie Zack of QuincyMA.Theyresided at 101 Samoset Ave, in the Merrymount section of Quincy. After a long illness Frances died 28 November 1998. Frances was laidto restwithherlate husband Maurice in the Sharon Memorial park in Sharon MA. Frances was the mother of three sons 6 grandchildren and a greatgrand child.

Married ‎10 Jun 1933 (16 Sivan 5693), age 23 years (married 58 years) to:

manMorris Zack‏‎ [I3466], age by marriage 22 years
Born ‎15 Jul 1910 (8 Tamuz 5670) Quincy, MA, USA, died ‎12 Dec 1991 (5 Tevet 5752) Quincy, MA, USA‎, age 81 years, buried ‎14 Dec 1991 (7 Tevet 5752) Sharon, MA, USA
Maurice Zack, son of Abraham and Annie Zack resided in Quincy Ma one of three children. Maurice had a younger brother Isadore Zack, and a Sister BerthaZack.Atthe date of this entry both are still alive and living in the Quincy. At an early age, Maurice's father Abraham was severly injured andlaterdiedfromhis injuries in an occupational related accident. Maurice and his mother, the opened a Clothing store in Qunicy MA, a business whichMauricecontinuedtooperate for more than 60 years before retiring. Maurice died 12 November 1991. Maurice is laid to rest in the Sharon MemorialPark inSharon MA.
manAllan Zack‏‎ [I3467] PRIVACY FILTER

manKenneth Zack‏‎ [I3474] PRIVACY FILTER

manCarl Zack‏‎ [I3478] PRIVACY FILTER

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Frances Louise Spero & Morris Zack" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages (https://beck.org.il/humogen/yohassin.files/include/popup_menu/styles/css/images/family/47/F1178?main_person=I3465 : accessed 13 March 2025) Frances Louise Spero #I3465, born ‎21 May 1910 (12 Iyar 5670) Wakefield, MA, USA

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