woman‎Wilhelmina Termaat‏‎ [I1328]‎
Born ‎6 Jan 1912 (16 Tevet 5672) Amsterdam, Holland‎, age 113 years

Married ‎17 Mar 1937 (5 Nisan 5697) Bombay, India, age 25 years (married 51 years) to:

manEmanuel Pimontel‏‎ [I1327], age by marriage 27 years, son of Elias De Sousa Pimontel and Flora Mozes Vaz Nunes‏.
Born ‎16 Mar 1910 (5 Adar II 5670) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎27 Sep 1988 (16 Tishrei 5749) Amstelveen, Holland‎, age 78 years
Was interned with his wife in a Japanese concentrration camp in Indonesia, where they were living at the time. They suffered during thier internment,butsurvived.Afterthe war they returned to Holland, but soon left. They lived around the world , but came back to Holland to retire. They neverhad anychildren.

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Wilhelmina Termaat & Emanuel Pimontel" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages (https://beck.org.il/humogen/yohassin.files/include/popup_menu/pics/images/css/family/47/F444?main_person=I1328 : accessed 26 February 2025) Wilhelmina Termaat #I1328, born ‎6 Jan 1912 (16 Tevet 5672) Amsterdam, Holland

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