man‎Lionel W. Hipperson‏‎ [I1839]‎
Died ‎1980
Lionel and Rachel moved to Canada in 1946.

Married ‎1935 Norwich, England (married 44 or 45 years) to:

womanRachel Nabarro‏‎ [I1831], age by marriage 20 or 21 years, daughter of Maurice Nabarro and Florence Spurr‏.
Born ‎1914 Auckland, New Zealand, died ‎10 Feb 1981 (6 Adar I 5741) Edmonton Alberta Canada‎, age 66 or 67 years
1st marriage to: Lionel W. Hipperson, 2nd marriage to: Bill Straychuk
She worked in Edmonton as a cook for the railway.
woman‎June Hipperson‏‎ [I1840]‎ PRIVACY FILTER

woman‎Jacqueline Hipperson‏‎ [I1841]‎ PRIVACY FILTER

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Lionel W. Hipperson & Rachel Nabarro" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages ( : accessed 19 February 2025) Lionel W. Hipperson #I1839

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