Ronald George Willis [I2579]
Born 5 Jun 1914 (11 Sivan 5674) Margate, Kent, England, died 8 May 2002 (26 Iyar 5762) Leominster, England, age 87 years
Married 19 Feb 1949 (20 Shevat 5709) Margate, Kent, England, age 34 years (married 53 years) to:
Violet Nabarro [I2563], age by marriage 28 years, daughter of Aron David Nabarro and Henriette (Heintje) Stoodel.
Born 28 Jul 1920 (13 Av 5680) Walthamstow, London, England, died 25 Feb 2020 (30 Shevat 5780) Hereford, England, age 99 years
Michael George Willis [I2580] PRIVACY FILTER 2.
David Lewis Willis [I2581] PRIVACY FILTER |
Family events
Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Ronald George Willis & Violet Nabarro." HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages (https://beck.org.il/humogen/yohassin.files/images/languages/en/styles/css/family/47/F868?main_person=I2579 : accessed 27 December 2024) Ronald George Willis #I2579, born 5 Jun 1914 (11 Sivan 5674) Margate, Kent, England
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