Marianna Trigallez [I921], daughter of Achilles Camille Trigallez and Martha Parser. PRIVACY FILTER
Married to:
Abraham Pimontel [I919], age by marriage 28 years, son of Elias Pimontel and Cato Granaat.
Born 19 Nov 1916 (23 Cheshvan 5677) Amsterdam, Holland, died 16 Nov 1999 (7 Kislev 5760) Cannes, France, age 82 years Although his legal documents state his last name as Pimontel, he goes by the name Pimentel.
Robert Alfred Pimontel [I922] PRIVACY FILTER 2.
Yvonne Martha Pimontel [I923] PRIVACY FILTER |
Family events
Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Marianna Trigallez & Abraham Pimontel." HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages (https://beck.org.il/humogen/yohassin.files/images/languages/en/styles/css/family/47/F310?main_person=I921 : accessed 28 December 2024) Marianna Trigallez #I921
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