man‎Joseph 'Isaac Henriques' Pimentel‏‎ [I11599]‎, son of Isaac Henriques Pimentel and Batseba (Betje) Belinfante‏.
Born ‎1877 Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎1958 Amsterdam, Holland‎, age 80 or 81 years

Married ‎± 1900, age approximately 23 years (married approximately 58 years) to:

man‎Joost 'Henriques' Pimentel‏‎ [I11619]‎
Born ‎± 1902

woman‎Batseba 'Henriques' Pimentel‏‎ [I11620]‎
Born ‎± 1904

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Joseph 'Isaac Henriques' Pimentel & Helen Haagman" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages ( : accessed 23 February 2025) Joseph 'Isaac Henriques' Pimentel #I11599, born ‎1877 Amsterdam, Holland

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