man‎Fritz Goldschmidt‏‎ [I367]‎, son of Julius Goldschmidt and Rosa Oppenheim‏.
Born ‎5 Apr 1900 (6 Nisan 5660) Elmshorn, Germany, died ‎18 May 1974 (26 Iyar 5734) New York, NY, USA‎, age 74 years

Married ‎22 Dec 1937 (18 Tevet 5698) Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, age 37 years MARR: LAST 21 Apr 2002
MARR: STAT Married
(married 36 years) to:

womanRosa Jacobson‏‎ [I368]
Born Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, died ‎29 Oct 1979 (8 Cheshvan 5740) New York, NY, USA

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Fritz Goldschmidt & Rosa Jacobson" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages ( : accessed 13 March 2025) Fritz Goldschmidt #I367, born ‎5 Apr 1900 (6 Nisan 5660) Elmshorn, Germany

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