woman‎Sophia Sasiene‏‎ [I6982]‎, daughter of Solomon Woolf Sasiene and Rebecca Zwart‏.
Born ‎26 Nov 1867 (28 Cheshvan 5628) Whitechapel, Middlesex, England, died ‎14 Oct 1904 (5 Cheshvan 5665) Whitechapel, Middlesex, England‎, age 36 years, buried ‎14 Oct 1904 (5 Cheshvan 5665) Plashet, UK buried 27 Pelham St, Brick Lane
date 28.10 on tombstone age 35

JFS vol 4 477 8806 admission 2.11.1874 departed 10/1878 DOB 26/11/67
not same as register

Married ‎Dec 1889 London, Middlesex, England, age 22 years (married 14 years) to:

manMorris Levy‏‎ [I6983], age by marriage approximately 22 years
Born ‎± 1867, died ‎5 Jun 1955 (15 Sivan 5715) USA‎, age approximately 88 years
1st marriage to: Sophia Sasiene, 2nd marriage to: Dinah Sasiene
womanMildred Levy‏‎ [I6984]
Born ‎1890 London, Middlesex, England, died ‎1981 USA‎, age 90 or 91 years
possible death notice age 86 died Albany oregan Salem Statesman 14.3.1998

manSolomon Levy‏‎ [I6996]
Born ‎1891 London, Middlesex, England, died ‎1976 USA‎, age 84 or 85 years

man‎Barney Levy‏‎ [I7022]‎
Born ‎Oct 1899 London, Middlesex, England, died ‎± 1990 USA‎, age approximately 91 years

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Sophia Sasiene & Morris Levy" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages (https://beck.org.il/humogen/yohassin.files/fileimages/include/popup_menu/images/styles/css/family/47/F2510?main_person=I6982 : accessed 26 February 2025) Sophia Sasiene #I6982, born ‎26 Nov 1867 (28 Cheshvan 5628) Whitechapel, Middlesex, England

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