woman‎Naatje Cohen Ritmeester‏‎ [I9148]‎
Born ‎1812 Hoorn, Holland

Married ‎7 Oct 1833 (24 Tishrei 5594) Amsterdam, Holland, age 20 or 21 years (married 8 years) to:

manIsaac Jacob "Benectus Isaac De Kromme" De Kromme‏‎ [I9147], age by marriage 20 years, son of Jacob Salomon De Kromme and Judic Meijer (Ter Mars) "Judic Bat Meyer ( Julia Jacobs )" Marcas‏.
Born ‎15 Sep 1813 (20 Ellul 5573) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎Nov 1841 Amsterdam, Holland‎, age 28 years
appears in Ancient order of Foresters 1903 list of members.
man‎Jacob Isaac De Kromme‏‎ [I9149]‎
Born ‎24 Feb 1837 (19 Adar I 5597) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎10 Apr 1847 (24 Nisan 5607) Amsterdam, Holland‎, age 10 years

woman‎Roosje De Kromme‏‎ [I9150]‎
Born ‎29 Oct 1838 (10 Cheshvan 5599) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎15 Jan 1839 (29 Tevet 5599) Amsterdam, Holland‎, age 2 months and 2 weeks and 3 days

man‎Sampson Isaac De Kromme‏‎ [I9151]‎
Born ‎11 Jan 1839 (25 Tevet 5599) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎18 Nov 1839 (11 Kislev 5600) Amsterdam, Holland‎, age 10 months and 1 week

man‎Meyer Isaac De Kromme‏‎ [I9152]‎
Born ‎11 Jan 1839 (25 Tevet 5599) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎Nov 1839 Amsterdam, Holland‎

manBenedictus Isaac "Barend Isaac De Kromme" De Kromme‏‎ [I9153]
Born ‎1 Oct 1840 (4 Tishrei 5601) Amsterdam, Holland, baptised ‎1851 Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎15 Aug 1915 (5 Ellul 5675) Amsterdam, Holland‎, age 74 years, buried Diemen, Netherlands

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