man‎Daniel Vos‏‎ [I5755]‎, son of Jacob Vos and Lea Mok‏.
Born ‎5 Mar 1900 (4 Adar II 5660) Amsterdam, Holland Geboren in de Lepelstraat 54-5 uur voormiddag.

Married ‎14 Sep 1932 (13 Ellul 5692) Amsterdam, Holland, age 32 years (married 10 years) to:

womanstar Betsy Bueno De Mesquita‏‎ [I5754], age by marriage 24 years, daughter of Jacob Bueno De Mesquita and Henriette "Van Spiegel" Van Spiegel‏.
Born ‎13 May 1908 (12 Iyar 5668) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎2 Apr 1943 (26 Adar II 5703) Sobibor, Poland‎, age 34 years, cause of death: murdered

Family events

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