woman‎Rebecca Wynberg‏‎ [I1695]‎
Born ‎± 1857

Married ‎28 Oct 1891 (26 Tishrei 5652) Amsterdam, Holland, age approximately 34 years to:

manSalomon Nunes Nabarro‏‎ [I1637], age by marriage 45 years, son of Isaac Nunes Nabarro and Branca Korper‏.
Born ‎3 Aug 1846 (11 Av 5606) Amsterdam, Holland
1st marriage to: Sara Roodveldt, ‎2nd marriage to: Rebecca Wynberg
manstar ‎Mozes Nabarro‏‎ [I1697]‎
Born ‎13 Dec 1892 (24 Kislev 5653) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎28 Feb 1943 (23 Adar I 5703) Auschwitz, Poland‎, age 50 years, cause of death: murdered

woman‎Lena Nabarro‏‎ [I1698]‎
Born ‎5 Dec 1893 (26 Kislev 5654) Amsterdam, Holland

womanstar ‎Dora Nabarro‏‎ [I1696]‎
Born ‎23 May 1899 (14 Sivan 5659) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎22 Oct 1943 (23 Tishrei 5704) Auschwitz, Poland‎, age 44 years, cause of death: murdered
From the list of married Dutch women who died in the Holocaust, sorted by maiden name. (Received from Chaim Caran, P.O.B. 1472, Eilat, Israel 88 114)itcanbedetermined that Dora Nabarro married a Mr. Polak.

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Rebecca Wynberg & Salomon Nunes Nabarro" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages (https://beck.org.il/humogen/yohassin.files/fileimages/css/images/include/family/47/F573?main_person=I1695 : accessed 26 February 2025) Rebecca Wynberg #I1695, born ‎± 1857

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