manstar ‎Levie Staal‏‎ [I5053]‎, son of Jacob Staal and Mirjam Springer‏.
Born ‎1 Sep 1900 (7 Ellul 5660) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎2 Apr 1943 (26 Adar II 5703) Sobibor, Poland‎, age 42 years, cause of death: murdered

Married ‎1923 Amsterdam, Holland, age 22 or 23 years Reference Number:5315 (married 19 or 20 years) to:

womanstar Elisabeth (Lies) Staal‏‎ [I5054], age by marriage 22 or 23 years, daughter of Abraham Staal and Betje Morpugo‏.
Born ‎13 Jul 1900 (16 Tamuz 5660) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎2 Apr 1943 (26 Adar II 5703) Sobibor, Poland‎, age 42 years, cause of death: murdered
woman‎Mary Staal‏‎ [I5055]‎
Born ‎15 Jun 1924 (13 Sivan 5684) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎31 Mar 1928 (10 Nisan 5688) Amsterdam, Holland‎, age 3 years, buried Op DE Joodse Begraafplaats Te Muiderberg C-60-68

manAbraham Staal‏‎ [I5056] PRIVACY FILTER

womanstar ‎Betje (Betty) Staal‏‎ [I5067]‎
Born ‎16 Jan 1930 (16 Tevet 5690) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎2 Apr 1943 (26 Adar II 5703) Sobibor, Poland‎, age 13 years, cause of death: murdered

manstar ‎Jacob (Jonny ) Staal‏‎ [I5068]‎
Born ‎4 Feb 1932 (27 Shevat 5692) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎2 Apr 1943 (26 Adar II 5703) Sobibor, Poland‎, age 11 years, cause of death: murdered

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Levie Staal & Elisabeth (Lies) Staal" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages ( : accessed 12 March 2025) Levie Staal #I5053, born ‎1 Sep 1900 (7 Ellul 5660) Amsterdam, Holland

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