man‎Franz Goldschmidt‏‎ [I373]‎, son of Julius Goldschmidt and Rosa Oppenheim‏.
Born ‎7 Mar 1904 (20 Adar 5664) Elmshorn, Germany, died ‎1942 Poland‎, age 37 or 38 years

Married ‎1936, age 31 or 32 years (married 5 or 6 years) to:

womanReine‏‎ [I374]
Died Poland
woman‎Leah Goldschmidt‏‎ [I375]‎
Born ‎5 Jan 1937 (22 Tevet 5697) Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, died ‎1942 Poland‎, age 4 or 5 years

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Franz Goldschmidt & Reine" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages ( : accessed 13 March 2025) Franz Goldschmidt #I373, born ‎7 Mar 1904 (20 Adar 5664) Elmshorn, Germany

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