man‎Alexander 'Salomon' Haring‏‎ [I10698]‎, son of Salomon 'Alexander' Haring and Mietje 'Hartog' Boekverkoper‏.
Born ‎27 Apr 1821 (25 Nisan 5581) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎after 1861‎, age at least 40 years
1861 British Census - Tenterground Spitalfields Whitechapel
Name First Name Relation Age Prof Born Street No Folio
Haring Abraham Head 40 Bootmkr Holland Palmer St 18 161 RG9/266

1871 British Census
NameFirst Name Relation Age Prof Born Street No Folio
HaringAlexander H 50 HollandTewkesbury Bldgs12______________________________________________________________________________

Household Record 1881 British Census

Name Relation Marital Status Gender Age Birthplace Occupation Disability
Alexander HARNOZ Head M Male 66 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Bootmaker
Rachel HARNOZ Wife M Female 61 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Julia HARNOZ Dau U Female 34 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Cape Maker
Elizabeth HARNOZ Dau U Female 21 Spitalfields, Middlesex, England Cape Maker

Source Information:
Dwelling 10 Tewkesbury Buildings
Census Place London, Middlesex, England
Family History Library Film 1341096
Public Records Office Reference RG11
Piece / Folio 0443 / 113
Page Number 14

Married ‎3 Jul 1844 (16 Tamuz 5604) Amsterdam, Holland, age 23 years (married at least 17 years) to:

womanRachel 'Mozes' Pereira Mendoza‏‎ [I10695], age by marriage 26 years, daughter of Mozes 'Jacob' Pereira Mendoza and Sara 'Josua' Sarfaty‏.
Born ‎21 Apr 1818 (15 Nisan 5578) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎after 1881‎, age at least 63 years
Individual Record 1861 British Census - Tenterground Spitalfields Whitechapel
NameFirst Name Relation AgeProfBornStreet No Folio
HaringRachel Wife 42BootmkrHollandPalmer St 18 161 RG9/266
Individual Record 1871 British Census
NameFirst Name Relation AgeProfBornStreet No Folio
HaringRachel W 52 HollandTewkesbury Bldgs12______________________________________________________________________________
womanSarah 'Alexander' Haring‏‎ [I11076]
Born ‎11 Mar 1845 (2 Adar 5605) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎Oct 1902 London, Middlesex, England‎, age 57 years
Sara Haring b: 11-03-1845 certificate nr. 2-72
Individual Record 1861 British Census - Tenterground Spitalfields Whitechapel
NameFirst Name Relation AgeProfBornStreet No Folio
HaringSarah Daughter 16CapmkrHollandPalmer St 18 161 RG9/266

Est. Date of Birth 1845

womanMaria-Amelia 'Alexander' Haring‏‎ [I10963]
Born ‎6 Feb 1847 (20 Shevat 5607) Amsterdam, Holland
Maria (Amelia-Miley?) b: 06-02-1847 certificate nr: 1-131
Individual Record 1861 British Census - Tenterground Spitalfields Whitechapel
NameFirst Name Relation AgeProfBornStreet No Folio
HaringAmelia Daughter 14CapmkrHollandPalmer St 18 161 RG9/266
Individual Record 1871 British Census
NameFirst Name Relation AgeProfBornStreet No Folio
HaringMillie D 24 HollandTewkesbury Bldgs12______________________________________________________________________________

man‎Mozes 'Alexander' Haring‏‎ [I10431]‎
Born ‎6 Mar 1850 (22 Adar 5610) Amsterdam, Holland
Mozes b: 06-03-1850 certificate nr; 2-43 (probably died young??)

manGabriel 'Alexander' Haring‏‎ [I11075]
Born ‎22 Dec 1851 (28 Kislev 5612) Amsterdam, Holland
Gabriel b: 22-12-1851 certificate nr: 8-52
Individual Record 1861 British Census - Tenterground Spitalfields Whitechapel
Name First Name Relation Age ProfBornStreet No Folio
Haring Gabriel Son 9 ScholarHollandPalmer St 18 161 RG9/266

Individual Record 1871 British Census
NameFirst Name Relation AgeProfBornStreet No Folio
HaringGabriel S 19 HollandTewkesbury Bldgs12______________________________________________________________________________

Individual Record 1881 British Census
Gabriel HARING
Other Information:
Birth Year <1852>
Birthplace The Netherlands
Age 29
Occupation Cigar Maker
Marital Status M
Head of Household Gabriel HARING
Relation Head
Source Information:
Dwelling 29 Fieldgate St
Census Place London, Middlesex, England
Family History Library Film 1341097
Public Records Office Reference RG11
Piece / Folio 0445 / 5
Page Number 4
1901 British Census
GabrielHARING684713261043881449491852HollandWhitechapelLondonCigar Maker
AlexHARING684713261043881816161885WhitechapelWhitechapelLondonPhoto Etcher

womanJudic-Julie 'Alexander' Haring‏‎ [I11074]
Born ‎1853 Spitalfields, London, UK
Individual Record 1861 British Census - Tenterground Spitalfields Whitechapel
Name First Name Relation Age Prof BornStreet No Folio
Haring Judic Daughter 8 Scholar SplfldsPalmer St 18 161 RG9/266

Individual Record 1881 British Census
Julia HARNOZ Dau U Female 34 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Cape Maker

womanJane 'Alexander' Haring‏‎ [I11077]
Born ‎1854 Amsterdam, Holland
Source - Lica Buddelmeijer.
Schoontje (Jane) Fanny-Sally Leendert A. HARING

Individual Record 1861 British Census - Tenterground Spitalfields Whitechapel
Name First Name Relation Age Prof BornStreet No Folio
Haring Jane Daughter 7 Scholar HollandPalmer St 18 161 RG9/266

Individual Record 1881 British Census
Other Information:
Birth Year <1854>
Birthplace Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Age 27
Marital Status M
Head of Household Henry GREEN
Relation Wife
Source Information:
Dwelling 6 Tewkesbury Buildings
Census Place London, Middlesex, England
Family History Library Film 1341096
Public Records Office Reference RG11
Piece / Folio 0443 / 112
Page Number 11

womanBetsy 'Alexander' Haring‏‎ [I10775]
Born ‎1860 Spitalfields, London, UK
Individual Record 1861 British Census - Tenterground Spitalfields Whitechapel
Name First Name Relation Age ProfBorn Street No Folio
Haring Betsy Daughter 1 - Holland Palmer St 18 161 RG9/266
Individual Record 1871 British Census
NameFirst Name Relation AgeProfBornStreet No Folio
HaringBetsy D 11 HollandTewkesbury Bldgs12______________________________________________________________________________
Individual Record 1901 British Census
Elizth Isaacs 40 London Spetalfields London Shoreditch

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Alexander 'Salomon' Haring & Rachel 'Mozes' Pereira Mendoza" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages ( : accessed 09 March 2025) Alexander 'Salomon' Haring #I10698, born ‎27 Apr 1821 (25 Nisan 5581) Amsterdam, Holland

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