man‎Salomon 'Isaac' Monis‏‎ [I955]‎, son of Isaac Monis and Sara Israel‏.
Born ‎1714 Livorno, Italy, died ‎23 Feb 1780 (17 Adar I 5540) Amsterdam, Holland‎, age 65 or 66 years, buried Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands
According to data from Lew Hambro, the birth year is 1714, rather than 1713 and the wedding date 12 May, rather than 31 May.

Married ‎31 May 1740 (5 Sivan 5500) Amsterdam, Holland, age 25 or 26 years (married 39 years) to:

womanJael Da Silva Rosa‏‎ [I956], age by marriage 17 or 18 years, daughter of Samuel Da Silva Rosa and Rachel Cohen Lobatto‏.
Born ‎1722 Amsterdam, Holland
Birthdate mentioned as 1721 by Eddy Cohen.
Corrected to 1712 on basis of more reliable data from Lew Hambro, based on the ancestor report of Jacob Querido, drawn up by the Amsterdam GenealogyServicein1942.
womanSara Monis‏‎ [I1067]
Born ‎1741

womanRachel Monis‏‎ [I933]
Born ‎1747 Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎11 Mar 1813 (9 Adar II 5573) Amsterdam, Holland‎, age 65 or 66 years

Family events

2nd marriage
man‎Salomon 'Isaac' Monis‏‎ [I955]‎, son of Isaac Monis and Sara Israel‏.

Married ‎12 Oct 1753 (14 Tishrei 5514) Amsterdam (Registered In Amsterdam, Wedding Took Place Elsewhere), age 38 or 39 years (married 26 years) to:

womanRibca 'Simon' Cohen Lobatto‏‎ [I8421]
Died ‎16 Oct 1782 (8 Cheshvan 5543) Amsterdam, Holland, buried Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands
manJacob 'Salomon' Monis‏‎ [I1363]
Born ‎1755 Leeuwarden, Holland, died ‎16 Feb 1806 (28 Shevat 5566) Amsterdam, Holland‎, age 50 or 51 years, buried Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands
Yossi Beck's notes: As it turns out, Jacob was apparently born in 1755 in Leeuwarden, but was registered in Amsterdam on 24.3.1756 when the family moved there.
(This according to a special investigation done by Reinier Bobbe in Holland).
Also, unlike Eddy's data, Jacob is not the son of Jael da Silva Rosa, but of Salomon's second wife Ribca Cohen Lobatto, who Salomon married on 12.10.1753.

Eddy Cohen's research notes: His parents were determined by looking at one of his children's marriage records and from there checking back using both"Trouwen In Mokum" as well as "Handleiding bij de index op de Ketuboth van de Portugees - Israelietische Gemeente Amsterdam va n 1650-1911" (D. VerdoonerenH.J.W.Snel)I was able to confirm both his parents.

woman‎Clara 'Salomon' Monis‏‎ [I8422]‎
Born ‎28 Sep 1760 (18 Tishrei 5521) Amsterdam, Holland

manSimson 'Salomon' Monis‏‎ [I8425]
Born ‎23 Apr 1763 (10 Iyar 5523) Amsterdam, Holland

woman‎Simcha (I) 'Salomon' Monis‏‎ [I8472]‎
Born ‎6 Jun 1765 (17 Sivan 5525) Amsterdam, Holland

man‎Abraham 'Salomon' Monis‏‎ [I8423]‎
Born ‎10 Apr 1768 (23 Nisan 5528) Amsterdam, Holland

woman‎Simcha (Ii) 'Salomon' Monis‏‎ [I8473]‎
Born ‎2 Mar 1770 (5 Adar 5530) Amsterdam, Holland

woman‎Hana 'Salomon' Monis‏‎ [I8424]‎
Born ‎20 Jan 1772 (15 Shevat 5532) Amsterdam, Holland

woman‎Judith 'Salomon' Monis‏‎ [I8471]‎
Born ‎20 Jan 1772 (15 Shevat 5532) Amsterdam, Holland

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Salomon 'Isaac' Monis & Ribca 'Simon' Cohen Lobatto" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages ( : accessed 09 March 2025) Salomon 'Isaac' Monis #I955, born ‎1714 Livorno, Italy

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