![]() Died 30 May 1779 (15 Sivan 5539) Frankfurt, Germany
Married/ Related to: ![]() Died 8 Mar 1822 (15 Adar 5582) Frankfurt, Germany
![]() Born 24 Sep 1762 (7 Tishrei 5523) Frankfurt, Germany, died 3 Oct 1839 (25 Tishrei 5600) Bratislava, Slovakia, age 77 years Chatam Sofer, with his real name Moshe Schreiber, was born in Frankfurt, Germany on September 26, 1762. After his study of Hebrew, the Torah and Talmud,heworkedinseveral places-Boskovice, Prost?jov and Nagym?rton. Already during his studies he has attracted his teachers and masters' attention becauseofhisdeepexegetic knowledge. Out of the numerous positions offered to him to become spiritual leader of a Jewish congregation he decided to accepttheofferofthe Bratislava Jewish congregation and took up the post of Chief Rabbi on October 13th 1806. He founded the rabbinical seminary whoseexcellentreputationandthe word of high educational standards spread very quickly all over Europe. He trained hundreds of rabbis who became Jewish spiritual leaders all over the world. He was an outstanding scholar and noted expert of the Talmud,andrabbisallover Europe used to visit him in Bratislava seeking advice and asking for decisions regarding the Talmud. In addition to his educationaldutiesandreligiousfunctions, he devoted his life to juridical matters in the congregation and was a "bal din," i.e. "chief judge," according toorthodoxrule.The believersaccepted his decisions with finality and without doubt. In 1809, when Bratislava was besieged by the Napoleonic troops,ChatamSofer tookrefuge in thenearby village of Saint Jur from where he managed to organize charitable activity in order to help his fellow citizenswhowere impoverishedand affectedby the war. Chatam Sofer was known as a man of letters. Seven volumes appeared in print-Responsi Chatam Sofer,Exegesesof Talmud Tracts,Exegeses ofSelected Passages of Talmud, Torah Moshe-Exegeses of the five books of Moses, Memoirs from the Time of theBesiege ofBratislava by theNapoleonic Troopsand Sacred Songs. In 1839 he fell seriously ill and died on October 3rd. His coffin was made out of the planks of his lecturer's desk. His burial was attended by hisnumerousformerstudentsend the entire religious congregation of Bratislava. The Chatam Sofer Mausoleum is a rarity among the sights of Slovakia.It is partof a formerJewishcemetery dating back to the years 1670-1847. It is situated at the foothills of the Small Carpathian Mountains betweenthe Danubeand the Bratislava'scastleand has been the property of the Bratislava Jewish congregation up to this day. There are 23 graves and 41separate tombstonesin the Mausoleum.It isfrequently visited by the believers from all over the world who come here to say their prayers and paytribute to Chatam Sofer,the greatest Jewishscholarof the nineteenth century. EPITAPH ON THE TOMB OF CHATAM SOFER (stone at the bottom) To keep eternal remembrance, the righteous man of God shall rest in peace in this house; He is the crowning glory of Pressburg's splendor and the pride of her descendants, The crown of rabbis. Father of scholars, a true genius, bright and alert, Excellent and efficient in Babylon's and Jerusalem's Talmuds, the pride of our kin-peace to him, Our teacher and master, Moshe Sofer, hallowed be his memory to all eternity. Joy has forsaken Israel. Her splendor, Moshe, chosen by the Lord God, has entered the grave. All people seem to be straying through the dark, all souls seem to be thrashed to the ground, Because the sun has set and the light gone. The youngsters, Yeshurun's children, cry out: "Where is our shepherd?" The orphan and widow groan: "Where is our support?" The rich and the poor call and morn jointly-they have lost their adviser that counseled them so well. His righteous realm has spread, in the West and the South, like water, to the Holy City of Jerusalem. He disdained profit and wealth, gained wrongfully; his riches was the power of the Lord God, He gathered strength by his faith; his only endeavor was to fortify the Law in Jacob. And Moshe was an upright shepherd of his flock, for thirty-three years he has led it through the way of God and piety, he was a servant of God's crowd and amazed it by his precious teaching until the End of his life. In hundreds and thousands he called forth a longing for the teaching of God and he has led the eager into the chambers of his doctrine. Numerous were raised onto the throne of Yehuda's house and, the moment God's herald arrived to carry him to the cherubs, there were many adherents gathering around his bedside because he was just elucidating the Ve-zot ha-bracha passage. He then blessed the entire community and abandoned this vale of tears: his magnificent deeds and divine acts will never be forgotten, this is his name, this is his memory- Beauty of Israel. (back side) And Moshe proceeded to the Lord God, passed away and died in the year 5600 after the Creation, The 25th of the month Tishri, and was placed here into the grave and buried in this tomb the following day, The 26th of the same month, but his memory will not become extinct in Israel; and his soul shall be received within the bond of the living. (stone at the top) This stone proclaims to Jacob's house that the glory of this tomb is great, Israel's glory in this tomb. Because inside there is the grave of a man of the Lord God. This is great resting-place and his name is greater Than any other, it is the crown of Pressburg's beauty and magnificence of the kindred. And when he has fulfilled his creator's will and learned the paths of his grace, the Lord God bid Moshe, In the month of Tishri, to come to him to heaven and prepared him an eternal abode there and placed him among the mighty founders and supporters oftheTorahandthe eternal service to God, And now he abides in heaven, and the city of Pressburg is the place where his stone has been put up And this is a memorial stone for the sons of Israel, and it is here to make known also to the last generation, which will rise and pass along, that the place where they are standing is sacred ground. (back side) And glory shall be his rest. He was God's favorite; at one time he has lived at the place of his rest For seventy-eight years and used to go with Lord and do what is good and straightforward in the eyes Of the Lord God. From birth throughout his life he accomplished good deeds and met the commands of God. Then when the light of his creed appeared in all dwellings of the shepherds who tented in the field of the Torah, the Lord God had him called to heavenandthecandleof Israel went out and, lo, the sun clouded, the shepherds' laments were heard in Yehuda's towns' because the splendor was taken away from them, for Jacob's genius has died. And when he died, a great honor was bestowed on him, the city's wailing ascended to heaven and all people, young and old, followed his coffin weeping. Apart from his 300 dear disciples who had daily listened to his voice, out of whom 50 had commented On his still handwritten creeds, further disciples came in crowds from the neighborhood, where they carried out the function of rabbi, to hold orations and mourn over their teacher. There has never been a day before when the Lord God has called forth so much grief and lamentations, when all hearts were broken, all faces full of sorrow and tears pouring down their cheeks. All who write Bikurej-ha-itim, all historians and even those who are not descended from the sons of Israel, announced to the public that a man known for the greatness of his deeds has passed away and been called to his fathers. And in all lands where the sad tidings were received the Jews mourned and urged all to grieve and lament. All Israel mentioned him in prayers and orations-Woe, O Lord! Woe our master! His justness is eternal! Who will guard the people of Moses? And the Lord God wiped the tears off the tears off all faces, because death Will be blotted out forever. (on the tomb's right side) This is a house of splendor, prepared for Moshe, for his rest. It is to tell about the glory of his magnitude, of the greatness of his teaching and of his justness. All parts of the tomb are a record of his praiseworthy deeds which are innumerable and cannot all b e listed. He was a light in his kin for all Israel. Woe to you, Yeshurun! Your torch has gone out and its flame Ascended to heaven. (on the tomb's left side) This house is a guard-room of holiness, in it there is hidden the dust of the lawmaker, the protector of the Torah who has set out in fervor to subdue all those who rose against it. He armed himself with strength to remove all obstacles out of his way, and if it were not for him, It would be covered with thorns and brambles. Daughter of Pressburg, wail, lament and mourn, because your beloved one-crown of wisdom-has left you, his face covered with dust. He who was famed throughout the world, who was a leader of the diaspora, has left this earth and entered the house of the Lord God. And Israel was weakened, and his sublimity was covered by the dust of the earth, and your joy, Pressburg was changed into sorrow 2.
![]() Born ± 1768 Frankfurt, Germany, died 4 Apr 1819 (9 Nisan 5579) Frankfurt, Germany, age approximately 51 years 3.
![]() Born ± 1769 Frankfurt, Germany, died 19 Mar 1821 (15 Adar II 5581) Frankfurt, Germany, age approximately 52 years |
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"Family Page: Shmuel Moshe Sofer (Shreiber) & Reizl" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages (https://beck.org.il/humogen/pics/styles/images/include/popup_menu/css/family/47/F2401?main_person=I6718 : accessed 07 March 2025) Shmuel Moshe Sofer (Shreiber) #I6718
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