woman‎Eva Pimontel‏‎ [I911]‎, daughter of Abraham De Souza Pimontel and Judith Mullem‏.
Born ‎13 Nov 1885 (5 Kislev 5646) Amsterdam, Holland

Married ‎14 Jun 1905 (11 Sivan 5665), age 19 years to:

manBaruch Duque‏‎ [I924], son of David Jacob Duque and Betje Kurt‏.

He became a Rabbi in Hamburg, Germany but in 1939 went via London, England to the Duch West Indies. He arrived in Curacao on September 4, 1923 andstayedthereuntil1936. He was known for his fine tenor voice.
manDavid Duque‏‎ [I925]
Born ‎1906‎, age 118 or 119 years
He became a Director of C&A in New York.

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Eva Pimontel & Baruch Duque" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages (https://beck.org.il/humogen/pics/images/assets/bootstrap/js/styles/css/family/47/F311?main_person=I911 : accessed 13 March 2025) Eva Pimontel #I911, born ‎13 Nov 1885 (5 Kislev 5646) Amsterdam, Holland

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