man‎Joseph "Joop Frankfort" Frankfort‏‎ [I6178]‎, son of Mozes Joel "Moshe(Mosje)" Frankfort and Eva "Tante Eef, Leida Frankfort" Van Gelderen‏.
Born ‎3 Jun 1856 (29 Iyar 5616) Arnhem, Holland, died ‎1 Dec 1930 (11 Kislev 5691) Arnhem, Holland‎, age 74 years. Occupation: Shop owner
Hebr.-ovl.datum 11 kislew 5691
Eerste huwelijk beeindigd door ovl. Betje Wolff
Overleden om 12.00

Married ‎12 Aug 1885 (1 Ellul 5645) Dinxperlo, Netherlands, age 29 years (married 39 years) to:

womanBetje "Rivka Wolff(Hebr.)" Wolff‏‎ [I6356], age by marriage 28 years, daughter of Salomon "Shlomo Wolff(Hebr.)" Wolff and Bela "Beeltje Vredenburg" Vreedenburg‏.
Also known as: RIVKA WOLFF(Hebr.), born ‎18 Jan 1857 (22 Tevet 5617) Harlingen, Netherlands, died ‎16 Mar 1925 (20 Adar 5685) Arnhem, Holland‎, age 68 years
Huwelijk beeindigd door overlijden
Hebr.Geb.datum:-22 tewet 5617
Hebr.ovl.datum:-20 adar 5685-Ovl. om 15.00 uur.


Family events

2nd marriage/ relation
man‎Joseph "Joop Frankfort" Frankfort‏‎ [I6178]‎, son of Mozes Joel "Moshe(Mosje)" Frankfort and Eva "Tante Eef, Leida Frankfort" Van Gelderen‏.

Married/ Related to:

womanRosette "Reische Konijn(Hebr.)" Konijn‏‎ [I6355], daughter of Levie Abraham "Jehoeda Konijn" Konijn and Kaatje "Keile Ensel" Ensel‏.
Born ‎03 Jun 1866 (20 Sivan 5626) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎10 Sep 1932 (9 Ellul 5692) Arnhem, Holland‎, age 66 years
Eerste huwelijk met Sally Bromet
Ovl. om 15.00 uur-Joodse ovl.datum=09 elloel 5692

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Joseph Frankfort & Rosette Konijn" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages ( : accessed 13 March 2025) Joseph Frankfort #I6178, born ‎3 Jun 1856 (29 Iyar 5616) Arnhem, Holland

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