manstar ‎Jacob (Jac) Staal‏‎ [I5152]‎, son of David Staal and Reintje Van Gelder‏.
Born ‎19 Aug 1890 (3 Ellul 5650) Haarlem, Holland, died ‎28 May 1943 (23 Iyar 5703) Sobibor, Poland‎, age 52 years, cause of death: murdered

Married ‎6 Nov 1918 (2 Kislev 5679) Amsterdam, Holland, age 28 years Reference Number:5912 (married 24 years) to:

womanstar Clara Agsteribbe‏‎ [I5153], age by marriage 24 years
Born ‎21 Dec 1893 (12 Tevet 5654) Rotterdam, Netherlands, died ‎28 May 1943 (23 Iyar 5703) Sobibor, Poland‎, age 49 years, cause of death: murdered
womanstar ‎Reina Staal‏‎ [I5154]‎
Born ‎2 Aug 1920 (18 Av 5680) Rotterdam, Netherlands, died ‎30 Apr 1943 (25 Nisan 5703) Sobibor, Poland‎, age 22 years, cause of death: murdered

womanstar ‎Sarah Staal‏‎ [I5155]‎
Born ‎16 Feb 1925 (22 Shevat 5685) Rotterdam, Netherlands, died ‎30 Apr 1943 (25 Nisan 5703) Sobibor, Poland‎, age 18 years, cause of death: murdered

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Jacob (Jac) Staal & Clara Agsteribbe" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages ( : accessed 13 March 2025) Jacob (Jac) Staal #I5152, born ‎19 Aug 1890 (3 Ellul 5650) Haarlem, Holland

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