manstar ‎Philip Hiegentlich‏‎ [I14340]‎, son of David Hiegenlich and Schoontje DE Brave‏.
Born ‎29 Jun 1890 (11 Tamuz 5650) ASSEN, died ‎19 Feb 1943 (14 Adar I 5703) AUSCHWITZ‎, age 52 years, cause of death: murdered. Occupation: Grocer

Married ‎17 Apr 1930 (19 Nisan 5690) APELDOORN, age 39 years (married 12 years)
Event (Choepa) ‎28 May 1930 (1 Sivan 5690) ROTTERDAM Zij woonde tijdens ondertrouw te Apeldoorn.
Toekomstig adres:-Kraneweg 44a-Groningen


womanstar Louise Salomons‏‎ [I14339], age by marriage 44 years, daughter of Arnold Salomons and Henriette Frederika Frankfort‏.
Born ‎05 Aug 1885 (24 Av 5645) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎19 Feb 1943 (14 Adar I 5703) AUSCHWITZ‎, age 57 years, cause of death: murdered

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Philip Hiegentlich & Louise Salomons" HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages ( : accessed 13 March 2025) Philip Hiegentlich #I14340, born ‎29 Jun 1890 (11 Tamuz 5650) ASSEN

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