womanstar ‎Anna Woudhuijsen‏‎ [I14384]‎, daughter of Henry Woudhuijsen and Klara Doof‏.
Born ‎30 Sep 1911 (8 Tishrei 5672) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎03 Sep 1943 (3 Ellul 5703) AUSCHWITZ‎, age 31 years, cause of death: murdered. Occupation: Seamstress of coats

Married ‎26 Apr 1933 (30 Nisan 5693) Amsterdam, Holland, age 21 years (married 10 years) to:

manstar Joseph Swaab‏‎ [I14390], age by marriage 22 years, son of Benedictus Swaab and Klaartje Goudeketting‏.
Born ‎10 May 1910 (1 Iyar 5670) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎16 Jul 1943 (13 Tamuz 5703) SOBIBOR‎, age 33 years, cause of death: murdered. Occupation: Assistent in fish shop, Butcher
manstar ‎Benedictus Swaab‏‎ [I14391]‎
Born ‎06 Oct 1933 (16 Tishrei 5694) Amsterdam, Holland, died ‎06 Mar 1944 (11 Adar 5704) AUSCHWITZ‎, age 10 years, cause of death: murdered

woman‎Klara Swaab‏‎ [I14392]‎

living - details excluded

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Anna Woudhuijsen & Joseph Swaab." HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages (https://beck.org.il/humogen/index/humo_/images/family/47/F10767?main_person=I14384 : accessed 02 June 2024) Anna Woudhuijsen #I14384, born ‎30 Sep 1911 (8 Tishrei 5672) Amsterdam, Holland

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