Elisabeth Wouthuijsen [I775], daughter of Samuel Wouthuijsen and Lea Mok.
Born 21 May 1893 (6 Sivan 5653) Amsterdam, Holland, died 12 Feb 1943 (7 Adar I 5703) Auschwitz, Poland, age 49 years, cause of death: murdered
Married 25 Jul 1918 (16 Av 5678) Amsterdam, Holland, age 25 years (married 23 years) to:
Benjamin Voorzanger [I776], age by marriage 34 years, son of Aaron Voorzanger and Rebecca Willing.
Born 13 Jan 1884 (15 Tevet 5644) Amsterdam, Holland, died 15 Mar 1942 (26 Adar 5702) Amsterdam, Holland, age 58 years
Thea Betty Voorzanger [I781]Born 30 Jul 1920 (15 Av 5680) Amsterdam, Holland, died 22 Oct 1943 (23 Tishrei 5704) Auschwitz, Poland, age 23 years, cause of death: murdered |
Family events
Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Elisabeth Wouthuijsen & Benjamin Voorzanger." HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages (https://beck.org.il/humogen/birthday_images/include/popup_menu/pics/styles/css/family/47/F256?main_person=I775 : accessed 26 December 2024) Elisabeth Wouthuijsen #I775, born 21 May 1893 (6 Sivan 5653) Amsterdam, Holland
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