man‎Bernhard Daltrop‏‎ [I6815]‎, son of Max Daltrop and Pauline Langbein‏.
Born ‎29 May 1882 (11 Sivan 5642) Gutersloh, Germany, died ‎1939 Gutersloh, Germany‎, age 56 or 57 years

Married/ Related to:

womanPaula Lowenstein‏‎ [I6885]
Born ‎14 Jan 1883 (6 Shevat 5643), died ‎1942‎, age 58 or 59 years
man‎Herbert Daltrop‏‎ [I6817]‎
Born ‎27 Jul 1913 (22 Tamuz 5673) Gutersloh, Germany, died ‎1968‎, age 54 or 55 years
The Chart says "Israel" in big letters. Not clear what it refers to.

womanLotte Daltrop‏‎ [I6818]
Born ‎27 Feb 1910 (18 Adar I 5670) Gutersloh, Germany, died ‎1942‎, age 31 or 32 years

Family events

Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Bernhard Daltrop & Paula Lowenstein." HuMo-genealogy - Yossi Beck Genealogy Pages ( : accessed 28 December 2024) Bernhard Daltrop #I6815, born ‎29 May 1882 (11 Sivan 5642) Gutersloh, Germany

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