This website allows you to look into my database which contains over 10,000 persons, spanning close to 400 years of Dutch Jewry, as well as several German-Jewish and Dutch non-Jewish branches.
Though some Jewish communities existed in the Dutch provinces as early as 1320, the real start of Dutch Jewry is considered to be the period between 1590 and 1645 when large numbers of Jews entered the Netherlands. At the end of the 16th century many Jews from Portugal fled to Holland from the Inquisition and some 30 years later large numbers of East-European ("Ashkenazi") Jews fled the pogroms and persecution there. These two communities lived a relatively separate cultural and social existence for almost 300 years, until the Holocaust decimated Dutch Jewry to such extent that previous social barriers lost all meaning. However, up till today Portuguese and Ashkenazi religious congregations continue to exist in the Netherlands. Read more here.
Clicking the "Family tree" tab above, will bring you to the family tree section of this website.
There you can search for any name and create ancestor, descendant and outline reports as well as ancestor, descendant and fanchart graphical charts for any person in the data base.
Use the
icon to the left of any name to get a popup with all existing charts and reports.
All reports can be printed straight to your printer (ancestor and descendant reports can also be rendered in PDF format).
The information displayed on this website contains data that was researched by me in municipal archives (mainly in Amsterdam) as well as data I received from fellow genealogists.
Clicking the "Information" tab will direct you towards the research and memorial pages, where you can read about the extensive research on the Zacuto heritage , visit my Yizkor Memorial Page, find some links to other sites of interest and read the FAQ.
If you want to contact me concerning the data on this site please use the "Tools --> Contact" menu tab above.
This site is proudly hosted by Bluehost.com. Please read my recommendation on Bluehost. Disclosure: Bluehost compensates for referring new customers.
Though some Jewish communities existed in the Dutch provinces as early as 1320, the real start of Dutch Jewry is considered to be the period between 1590 and 1645 when large numbers of Jews entered the Netherlands. At the end of the 16th century many Jews from Portugal fled to Holland from the Inquisition and some 30 years later large numbers of East-European ("Ashkenazi") Jews fled the pogroms and persecution there. These two communities lived a relatively separate cultural and social existence for almost 300 years, until the Holocaust decimated Dutch Jewry to such extent that previous social barriers lost all meaning. However, up till today Portuguese and Ashkenazi religious congregations continue to exist in the Netherlands. Read more here.
Clicking the "Family tree" tab above, will bring you to the family tree section of this website.
There you can search for any name and create ancestor, descendant and outline reports as well as ancestor, descendant and fanchart graphical charts for any person in the data base.
Use the

All reports can be printed straight to your printer (ancestor and descendant reports can also be rendered in PDF format).
The information displayed on this website contains data that was researched by me in municipal archives (mainly in Amsterdam) as well as data I received from fellow genealogists.
Clicking the "Information" tab will direct you towards the research and memorial pages, where you can read about the extensive research on the Zacuto heritage , visit my Yizkor Memorial Page, find some links to other sites of interest and read the FAQ.
If you want to contact me concerning the data on this site please use the "Tools --> Contact" menu tab above.
This site is proudly hosted by Bluehost.com. Please read my recommendation on Bluehost. Disclosure: Bluehost compensates for referring new customers.